
Excavation of the Roman villa at Perl-Borg, near Nennig, Saarland, Germany. Staatliches Konservatoramt Saarbrücken (J. Brück). August 1990.
Excavation of the Roman defence system at Alesia, Plaine-de-Laumes, Venarey-le Laumes, France. Römisch-Germanische Kommission (RGK) des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts (DAI), Frankfurt (S. v. Schnurbein; H.-J. Köhler). August-September 1993.
Intensive field survey, Leptiminus Archaeological Project. University of Michigan (D. Stone). June 1998.
Field survey, reconnaissance survey, intensive field survey and excavation, Fezzan Project. University of Leicester (D. Mattingly). January-February 1999 and 2001.
In addition to this, I continue the post-excavational analysis of a wide range of iron production debris and non-metallurgical industrial residues for projects by
University of Leicester Archaeological Services (ULAS) at Ridlington (Rutland) and Leicester Bonners Lane
the Leptiminus Archaeological Project, Tunisia
the Fezzan Project, Libya

I am an associate member of the Institute of Field Archaeologists (AIFA).

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Last updated: 3 July 2001
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