Our research explores photon, ion, and electron-driven processes in molecules and clusters. We are particularly interested in how highly specific knowledge of radiation interactions with isolated molecules can be exploited to enhance our understanding of processes in more complex environments, notably irradiated biological media. Clusters provide an important test case to extend the scope of experimental and theoretical techniques in order to characterize progressively more complex systems. This research has implications for the elucidation of radiation dose on the molecular scale, a topic of particular importance due to the growth of nano-science applications in industry and medicine.
Current Group Members:
Sam Eden (PI), Jana Bockova (PhD student 2016-present), Andre Rebelo (PhD student 2017-present)
Former Group Members:
Rahul Pandey (PhD student 2014-2017), Tiago da Fonseca Cunha (visiting PhD student 2016), Michal Ryszka (PhD student 2012-2015), Marcin Dampc (PDRA 2013-2015), Lily Ellis-Gibbings (visiting phD student 2015), Sandor Kovacs (visiting PhD student 2015), Bogumil Zalewski (Masters project student 2015), Chris Rizk (Masters project student 2015), Bartlomiej Barc (PhD student 2007-2012), Elias Jabbour Al Maalouf (Masters project student 2012), Patrick Cahillane (part time PhD student 2008-2011), Ziad El-Otell (Masters project student 2010), Penny Thorn (visiting PhD student 2008)
External funding:
CNRS PICS grant supporting collaboration with CIMAP/GANIL Caen (07390: 2016-19), H2020 Twinning Grant with Comenius University Bratislava and the University of Innsbruck (692335: 2016-19), EPSRC Career Acceleration Fellowship (EP/J002577/1: 2011-16), Affiliated Laboratory in the Universidade NOVA Lisboa's Radiation Biology and Biophysics Doctoral Training Programme (PD/00193/2012: 2013-20), EPSRC Standard Research Grant (EP/L002191/1: 2013-15), Marie Curie Intra-European Reintegration Grant (MERG-CT-2007-207292: 2008-2011), EPSRC Life Sciences Interface Fellowship (EP/E039618/1: 2007-2010)
We are currently advertising a PhD studentship (project P4 http://www.open.ac.uk/science/physical-science/job-and-studentshipopportunities/studentshipsphd-opportunities). Aside from this, please contact Sam Eden (see link above) if you are interested in working with us a visitor, student, or post-doc.